Aura Air's Efficiency Against RSV
Aura Air devices were found 99.997% effective against RSV, a highly contagious respiratory virus that can cause serious respiratory infections in young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

Aura Air's Efficiency Against RSV
Aura Air devices were found 99.997% effective against RSV, a highly contagious respiratory virus that can cause serious respiratory infections in young children, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems.

What is in the Air We Breathe?
It's very hard to see what we have in the air around us. Is it polluted? Healthy? What does each particle do? Here's a short guide to help you out.

New Trial: Aura Air’s Efficacy Against Influenza A
With seasonal flu being a major burden on the public's health and productivity, new test results offer a promising solution against the virus that causes the epidemic with 99.998% effectiveness.

How Purifying Air in Hospital Isolation Rooms Prevents Infection
A common practice in hospitals is to isolate patients, whether to maintain their health or to prevent contamination from carrying a virus or contagious bacteria.

Who Needs Air Purifiers and Why You Should Care Too
Indoor air has been quite a buzzword in the last few years, but not many people know why they should get it in the first place.

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